Do not: break the law and continue to go to the games.
The most impressive innovation from the organizers of Euro 2012 - the system is not just fast, and instant trials of troublemakers. The need for them is clear: in such a crowd of people to punish the bullies on the traditional procedure for each started a fight or a banner hanged irrationally, police stations quickly run out of free space, and the order is still not installed.
During the tournament ( and within a month after it) in Ukraine and Poland for minor offenses in the stadiums will be judged right there - in the literal sense of the word, ... For this purpose, each arena will be a special room in which to sit is not a football referee. In Poland, for that, even using modern technology: the judges bring to the stadium will not be with them just contact using video cameras and the Internet. The sentence will be imposed immediately, maximum - during the day. For local residents it will mean a conviction ban on visits to all the other matches of the tournament for foreign nationals (including Russians) - deportation with no right of appeal.
Do not: smoking in the stadium and nearby.
The fight against tobacco smoke and its consequences for Europe is leaps and bounds - and now briefly glance where nonsmoking adult male is considered to be the exception rather than the rule. Smoking will be prohibited as ordinary fans in the cheap places, and important person in the boxes of personal business - well, and that the cigarette nervously dragged the coach on the bench, and there can be no.
Moreover, cigarettes are banned and the area around the stadium. Tobacco advertising and sponsorship in the Euro 2012 viewers, of course, did not see. By the way, at some stadiums this rule will be continued and after the tournament, and in some places it is already well launched. Since this season is forbidden to smoke in the Donetsk ...
You can: consume alcohol in the stands.
Reasonably assume that too strict prohibitions only provoke the audience to the violation, the Polish government adopted amendments to the interests of those who are not averse to a drink at a football game, but has no plans to get drunk. Especially for them, allowed the use of alcoholic beverages in the stands is not stronger than 3.5%. However, with several caveats.
First, carry them with you in glass bottles will not be - only in plastic cups. Second, a specially organized Poles sale at the stadiums, they said no plans. And thirdly, most of the Polish beer is traditionally stronger than the designated level.
You can: do not call the inspectors and ride without a warrant.
A good example for those who doubt the usefulness of the big international tournaments for the host country: under the European Championships in Ukraine modernize the rules of the road. In order to bring them into line with European standards, had, according to officials redraw their 40 percent. Now, in the south- western neighbor lifted the annual inspection, and drivers can resolve minor traffic accident (up to 40 thousand) with no traffic policemen and ride on someone else's car without a warrant. However, take scooter hire to tourists will be much more complicated: it would require not only a helmet, but the category of law.
Do not: cover the face of clothing.
Organisers have spent a lot of energy by implementing a variety of control systems unreliable fans - from the ... All are based on identifying the offender, and therefore can be reduced to zero if, instead of taking on the bully's face there were only two eyes between the brazen hood and scarf. To prevent this, visitors are prohibited matches to conceal a person than whatever. Otherwise, they will be fine, amounting to, for example, in Poland 500 euros. What people think about this orthodox Muslim women, is still unknown.
Do not: wear brass knuckles in his pocket.
To deal with football hooligans of the host country have decided not waiting until they find themselves. In Poland, therefore, will be prohibited not only the use of a knife, brass knuckles or a gas canister as the arguments in the debate about the game model Fabio Capello, but the mere presence of you in the stadium. Penalty for suspicion of disorderly conduct was not provided a symbolic - 750 euros.
Do not: buy a ticket in hand before the match.
In order to limit speculation in tickets to the stadium, UEFA organized a special system of their distribution. For the sake of affordability had to sacrifice themselves ticket availability. Less than half of them were played in April, got only every twentieth of those wishing to. Another third will go on sale after the group stage draw in early December. Fortunately for the Russians, the team made its way back Dick Advocaat - and that means that before the Russians did not reach a hundred tickets for the official RC, and much more.
Do not: enter Poland without a visa.
The most awaited innovation - Visa or highly simplified entry into one of the country at the time of housewives Euro 2012 - the inhabitants of the CIS countries have not seen. The procedure for issuing visas will not be simplified even for the few lucky winners of tickets for the match, which are known to acquire almost harder than most to get this visa. This indulgence Poles have reserved only for the co- host the championship with them Ukrainians: they will automatically get a visa, the consulate by presenting the coveted admission to the stadium.